Wednesday, October 6


Just watched another episode of Ed, & I must say there's never a reason not to watch it. If you watch Ed then, you'd understand.

Quirky characters, interesting & funny plots. A feel-good story about life & the surprises in store for each & every one of us. Too tired to get into details about the show right now; when I'm in the mood I'll be more than glad to share with you!
I kinda related with today's episode 'cos it was about looking back into one's past & comparing if one was happier then, than one was today.
I'm much happier today than when I was in high school. I still have that pissed-off attitude & rightly so, given the situation I'm in. I'm not letting that make me a negative person or anything, though.

I hated, no, I loathed my school! I had so much contempt for that place, everyday in that shithole was always something, yet I cherish what I experienced; I made new friends, learned a lot; not academically though. That place was not one I'd associate with academics. Screw that! Sports day, inter-class, playing soccer for the school; hehe, stupid self-study sessions after school where all we did was waste 2 f*ckin' hours doing absolutely nothing at all; detention; punishments, girls, you name it! I just hated the school! It wasn't the building. I liked it! It had a distinct aura about it. I miss the basketball court. I'll never forget the soccer games we had there. Bad thing was, we weren't allowed to play soccer in the basketball court back then. If we were caught playing it was either detention or some form of punishment, plus our ball confiscated forever! You know what? Now, my school has a fucking street soccer court. Neat. Did you know that my school's relocated to Woodlands? & that after I graduated? I used to get up at 5 in the morning so I wouldn't be late for school 'cos it was way away at Lavender! I usually got home about 5 or 6, & boy was I exhausted. & u wonder why I never did good for my O's?Now the damn place is just 10 min. walk from my house! Talk about ironic.

I just hated the fact that there was just so much bullshit goin' around, so much I just can't describe! I hated most of the staff, a bunch of characters they were, good luck to them! I'm relieved I'm out!

College, however, was different. I've never regretted a minute of it! Even though I've done lotsa dumb & stupid things! I've learnt much more about life & myself while in college.
So-called independence & freedom to do whatever I pleased, whenever I pleased was a luxury I never knew existed & how I relished every moment of it! Sadly, I had to temporarily give up all that due to unforeseen circumstances deemed inevitable by the powers that be. Karma? who knows...

The journey is just only begun. After NS, I'm gonna return from my reluctant hiatus & finish what I started back in SU!

Watch out world!!!!!!

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