Sunday, May 29

tmmm tmm tmm tmm te tem tmmmt tmmm...

on & on & on this topic never seems to erase itself from my misshapened thick bald hardheaded, uh head. 1 more week.
1 painstakingly long week of so much shit i wouldn't know where to begin.
OC night was good.
My platoon came up with the best performance, a few songs & a comedy skit... the details i'll skip; G4 classified, hehe...

anyways i'm so looking forward to P.O.P so i can get on my knees & beg my parents to let me go to Dumaguete for a short visit, so i can unwind & hang out with my friends. I don't know if it'll come through but i'm hoping it will. if not then, shit.

all this while i've been in boot camp, there's been alot going through my head about oh so many things but when i get back home & try to spew it out onto my blog, it's kinda hard 'cos i don't really know where to start.

lately i haven't really had the time to just sit down alone & sort out my thoughts. it's like there never is any time for that, except for the few precious minutes i'm spending right now, which is a rarity on other days.

Watched Star Wars for the 2nd time last night. R2 & Yoda kick ass! in my next life i wanna be a Wookie. Chewie, ur da, uh, man!!!! Why? I don't know, but there's just something about being a wookie.
Anyways, it was a good movie, except for the sometimes trashy dialogue , otherwise, Star Wars rocks.
& that's all i gotta say about that.

Sunday, May 15


Just the four of us at home. My parents left for the Philippines on thursday. Went solo yesterday, snooping around town for cheap cd's. I got some good deals, only thing is I won't have time time to listen to 'em all 'cos i'm booking in again today. What the hell... After my little trip, I got me some dinner at Subway then i went off to watch Justin's play at The Arts House. Something told me i've been away from Singapore for awhile when i realized i didn't even know where The Padang was anymore. I found my way eventually after making a few calls. Technology; Can't live without it.

Some of the YF peeps turned up to watch as well, so i had a little company. I thought Justin & the rest were really good, especially the female lead. you have to see it for yourself to understand whatever it is i'm saying. Too bad though, last night was their last show...hehe *evil grin... I'm glad everything turned out alright for them. I'm too lazy to talk about what the play was about & all that, but it was good, i'll tell you that much.

Man, i sound so dry today. Maybe it's because my week was so freakin' long & boring, i don't know. 2 more weeks to go & i'm out of boot camp. I get the feeling i shouldn't be so happy just yet. Whatever it is, i'm still standing.
Shit, i do sound very dry. dammit..

Sunday, May 8

chocolate milk, saturdays & paris hilton.

chocolate milk & saturdays never go together. That's if you have an empty stomach & down A whole freakin' litre of it in one sitting. Try going out after that; It isn't a nice experience, i can tell you that much. Anybody watched House Of Wax recently? It's a nice date movie. *evil grin...
hmm, what lessons of life can i share this week? Not much, but enough to fill up this shit entry i guess. I've learnt that nothign is what it seems & that we can't take our existence for granted. WE may think we are real, but in another reality we could be mere figments of a person's imagination. Sounds like some tripped out bullshit, but if you take think about it long enough, it kinda makes some sense.
I passed my IPPT. Hooray... SITest is over. Yahoo! one more month to go & I'll have some breathing space if not any at all.

I'm nodding off as i'm typing, & I can see Z's forming lazily like clouds on a clear sunny day. That's it i'm off. Non of this is making sense. Another week of shit & i'll be back to rant & rave & preach like some doomsday fanatic on some desperate quest to warn one & all about the how the sky is gonna fall & kill & destroy everything in its path if we don't stop what we're doing & join their freakin' group. Not that anyone cares but hey, neither do i. Time to sleep.

Have a nice weekend!!!

Monday, May 2

end for now

New look, new layout, well slightly anyway. I just moved some shit around, played with the codes & fiddled around with photo editor for a few hours... i go back to camp in a few minutes. How do i feel about that? I haven't got a clue. I wouldn't know till i'm back in camp i guess. Met up with a good friend during the weekend. I haven't seen her in a more than a year but it still feels like i met with her yesterday. Time is short when you get past the 20 mark i think. Feels so good to be back in the world after a couple of weeks of regimented activities. Watched a lame movie & made fun of the stupidity of it all. So much for our 8 bucks... A blink of an eye, it's monday. well, i'll let you in more news in a weeks time i gotta go & rest & spend whatever time i've got left. ciao.