Sunday, May 8

chocolate milk, saturdays & paris hilton.

chocolate milk & saturdays never go together. That's if you have an empty stomach & down A whole freakin' litre of it in one sitting. Try going out after that; It isn't a nice experience, i can tell you that much. Anybody watched House Of Wax recently? It's a nice date movie. *evil grin...
hmm, what lessons of life can i share this week? Not much, but enough to fill up this shit entry i guess. I've learnt that nothign is what it seems & that we can't take our existence for granted. WE may think we are real, but in another reality we could be mere figments of a person's imagination. Sounds like some tripped out bullshit, but if you take think about it long enough, it kinda makes some sense.
I passed my IPPT. Hooray... SITest is over. Yahoo! one more month to go & I'll have some breathing space if not any at all.

I'm nodding off as i'm typing, & I can see Z's forming lazily like clouds on a clear sunny day. That's it i'm off. Non of this is making sense. Another week of shit & i'll be back to rant & rave & preach like some doomsday fanatic on some desperate quest to warn one & all about the how the sky is gonna fall & kill & destroy everything in its path if we don't stop what we're doing & join their freakin' group. Not that anyone cares but hey, neither do i. Time to sleep.

Have a nice weekend!!!

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