Thursday, February 3

I'm sorry, I can't be, perfect

I told you!!! Man Utd won. 'Nuff said.
Anyways, I've lost all track of time & space & everything else is just a shady blur. Remember me talking about not sleeping right? I think I'm sleeping too much this time. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Just stating a fact, that's all.
What's on my mind right now? Nothing much really; Not much to write down, but my thoughts are a jumble of twisted images of fantasies I'd much like to experience & indulge in, but will never share to any living soul. Not yet anyway. I think I'm gonna make a blog that specializes in just that. Hmm... Jon's sicko twisted sci-fi fantasy tales of the perverted mind... Anybody seen Heavy Metal magazine? Something like that.
Moving on, I'm loathe to criticize or bad mouth people, but I need to clear some bad air.
I'll be the first to say that no one in this world is born perfect & that everybody is different & unique in every way; This makes some people act differently & be seen as strange & sometimes unacceptable to others.
I don't know, but I can relate to people who want to be different & do things unconventionally. I'm kinda enlightened that way... (hehe, self promoting, but it's true!)
If I was a narrow-minded prick, I wouldn't bother, but I'm not; Something I'm grateful for. If I am though, please let me know & I'll gladly apologize & congratulate you for being honest & at the same time, learn more about myself.
Many people, including myself sometimes, just love to talk about others shortcomings & faults & are blind to our own imperfections.
Human nature, yeah, sometimes I wish we'd all see the bigger picture, but you just can't change the perceptions & thoughts of others. They have as much right to oppose what you & I think as we do them.
So what does one do?
How does an individual act out his life?
Does he/she live out his /her life for for the scrutiny of ignorant, shallow hypocrites who barely even know themselves?
The answers are many, but for me, I don't want to be like everybody else.
I hate how society dictates how one is 'supposed' to behave & act.
I think one should behave as he/she wishes, as long as he does no harm to others.
All I'm saying is, people, take a look in the mirror.
Don't look out the window till you've seen every wrinkle, any blemish, any sign of perfection;
Don't you look out that window & start judging the imperfections of others till you've taken a long hard look at your own.

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