Thursday, February 10


I had a dream last night, or this morning, whichever way you wanna see it. I won't share the exact details 'cos I don't want to.
It wasn't a recurring one but it kinda had a significance about, that kinda hit me. It was like when I had my 1st (& last, so far) shroom session, & we had a little too much.
That was one of the most mind-blowing experiences I've had in my entire life!
I fondly refer to it as the 'Mindfuck', a term I've often used if you're a frequent reader of my stuff. All I can say about that experience was that I learned many things about myself & it was like the answers to all creation, time & space & life itself were in my hands. I find it, even to this day the most enlightening experience I've ever had.
A kind of spiritual connection almost; it was scary at some point but in hindsight, that was the 1st time I'd felt I'd known myself more than I have in my entire existence!
Anyways, what I can say is, I saw things I really wanted to happen & people who I really wanna be with but can't because of some circumstances.
Have you ever woken from a dream & you had this really strange feeling, like, something that was lingering, subtle, in your thoughts, avoiding all radars till it kinda personified itself in your sleep? There's really no way I can explain it, but I know what I dreamt meant something.
Sometimes I feel that our subconscious tries to tell us something, sometimes sending us signals so faint, the truths in them so apparent that we wonder why we take them for granted. What am I getting at? I don't know, really, it's just that what I've been feeling for some time kinda magnified itself thru my dream. Weird huh?
I'm a deeply imaginative person.
I just have trouble expressing it.
If you ask me to draw or paint something I was thinking, it'd look something a kindergarten kid would do, & do better, mind you!
I think writing is one of the best mediums for me, however.
Well, that's over & done with.
Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

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