Friday, November 5


it's hard to explain or comprehend, but one things for sure, is that no one can deny their craving for attention; to be recognized; to be noticed, just for the sake of it, like what I'm doing right now... if you have the time, see how many times "I" is repaeted. Otherwise this is just an outlet to say what I want & spew out whatever I can't say by mouth. I think I'm more expressive this way, whether what I say makes sense or not...

As I write this, the world is ever changing by the second. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat just died & apparently Bush has another chance to take over the rest of the "Arab" world after having won another term. I see more troubled times, but hey, all we've got to do is hope for the best & do our part in making the world a better place. Peace & Love... That's all there is to it, understanding & knowledge, patience, yeah you're probably saying cut the bullshit Jon, but hey, if it doesn't start with me or you, how else can you help?

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