Thursday, September 30

spaghetti incident

This is what I wanna be doing the whole day tomorrow!
Nothing would make me happier than eating enormous servings of greasy, cholesterol packed food & lots & lots of beer & liquor to wash all that shit down!
I don't care if I puke my guts out & pass out on the floor as long as I have a good laugh about it the next day & all my close friends are around to see it & share the food & drink with me.
Why, you ask?

  • Hint: Spaghetti.
  • Hint 2: Beer. Lots of beer.
Still don't get it? Where do u find spaghetti & beer at the same time?
Aside from Cafe Memento, my most favorite hangout as well as Su Steds where I'm enjoying a snack...
Still don't get it?
Check your calendar & ask yourself just who might be celebrating his birthday tomorrow...

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