Sunday, December 12


A severe case of insomnia has been eating me alive for almost a week now.
It's really bad 'cos my body clock is like stuck in a different time zone but I'm stuck here in wet, damp, humid Singapore. I gotta get my sleeping time right or I might as well sneak into the Evil Empire somehow...
My week was uneventful, to say the least. Lots of things happened, it's just, they weren't of any great significance to write down. I'm almost through with my song & I think I've got the bugs out with the last verse.
Christmas is just around the corner & it looks like the mass appealling commercialism of the holiday season is gonna make tons of cash again. 'Tis the season to be jolly! haha, NOT! When January hits, lotsa people are gonna be so deep in credit card debt, they're gonna they never bought their boy/girlfriend that dream gift or went on that expensive holiday... well...
I can't believe I made it this far into the year without really achieving anything, except quitting school & having to re-adapt myself back here in crappy Singapore. Not that it's crappy or anything, it's just, my heart isn't here, that's all. I know where I belong & it ain't here.
That's an achievement in itself, right? hehe... Better luck to me next year...

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