Monday, August 23


I need that space.
How much time can I really spare?

Anyways, updates...
mmm had a blast at Baybeats 2010 on Saturday.
Caught Chicosci and King Ly Chee. 
For lack of a more eloquent approach,
it was fucking awesome.
Went with Gabriel, Bryan, Barry, Suri, Isaiah and Muhsin.

Bumped into a hell lotta people there I haven't seen in years,
 so it was time well spent in many ways.

After that, I met the rest of the group and we went to Arab Street for sheesha and snacks.
We didn't go to our usual haunt cos it was packed so we settled for Pyramid Restaurant instead,
which wasn't as good cos the sheesha was pretty strong and they didn't do the fancy
stuff like put different liquids and use fruits as the tobacco heads and all that.
Chrystal and I got thirsty for beer so I got a couple tall cans of Asahi
from 7eleven and snuck it into the joint.
Didn't take more than a couple of sips for us to get caught so
we had to find us a cosy corner to enjoy our bev's.

I haven't written in a long long while and it feels pretty awkward really. 
Here's some pix:

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