Thursday, April 3

scatterd bum cells, soybeans and poofy lips

if i could find a way not to speak, through verbal words, and speak with my mind and not my voice, i think i would truly be. You wonder sometimes, how and why people behave and act in their little quirky ways. My quirks and many misdemeanors somehow emanate from the fact that my body and my brain are out of sync.

Wed. tats and tits are havin a good time. At least one of them did. Tats says it was a drag; was gettin stale, one of 'em had to bail. Tits had a little flame. It was good.

as for poochie, babysitting duties were part of the itenerary. Jam and bread, a little too much milk for the two. poochie was on hand to keep an eye on the two. 80's beats and fancy meats, on display but none poochie would or could attract. Snakes and ladders were laid out bare, no one would touch her, no one would dare. pretty men too many a drink, unloads in the sink, along with the stink on his shirt, poochie scrubs off the dirt. girls late arrival sparks a revival, and all but the day is saved. mcdonalds with four, and just before six, we pack it all up and head off to stop.

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