Friday, March 25

return of the comeback...bald but beautiful

It's been a long 2 weeks since my last attempt at finding the answers to life & the reason of our very being. Since then i've discovered a few interesting facts to tickle one's imagination, especially one as sick as mine. I'm itching to tell my story but i think it'll have to wait a little while longer . i really can't say alot now, but in the weeks to come i think i'll have a much clearer perspective of whatever it was i wanted to spew out from the shallow depths of what once was my brain. By the way, i'll be updating every weekend, for now... most of you guys would know why, but for those who dont know, browse around, thx!

ps---> Congrats to my friends in SU who just graduated! all the best to you guys! in the words of Billy Corgan, 'the world is a vampire, set to drain...', so tread lightly!

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