Friday, September 10

Questions, Answers?

Sunrise at the Boulevard, Dumsville.

Here's a collection of thoughts & stuff...

- I think I am many things. Sometimes I think I'm nothing at all.
The fact is I exist & I am part of something, however big or small my role will be.

-Everyone has beliefs & principles, & I think that if we believe in something,
we should try our best to stand up for it & if we make mistakes,
that's ok.

-I've seen things on the news, people killing people because of their "faith";
because of the color of one's skin;
because one is richer than the other;
there's so much discrimination...
muslim,protestant,catholic,, white,ethnic,natives etc.

Look at Russia & Chechnya, Northern Ireland, The Middle East, Philippines, Mexico...
People who commit such acts are all a bunch of hypocrites.
I was watching Larry King one time & he was interviewing this guy,

& the guy said that religion is the no. 1 cause of all the shit that's happening right now.
Well, I agree & I am not saying that religion is bad.

I think people should know better.
They are just using their "so-called" beliefs to shield their true intentions or are simply blind & ignorant,
& I pity those who are, because it's not their fault

but the fault of their leaders for
mis-educating & misinterpreting their faith & using it as a tool for senseless violence.
We are all selfish by nature & it's natural but, taking children as hostages? raping women? Torture? We can never be perfect, but to solve conflict by not using violence is not irrational is it?
Killing never solved anyhing. It only made things worse. Why can't everyone see the bigger picture? We are all human & all of us need to survive, so why are we leaving out a few?

-Life's a bitch, really.
There is no perfect way to live freely or do what you want without others getting in the way or vice versa.

I think I get it now.

-freedom for me, is having a certain control over my life & yet always expecting the unexpected.
You can't live life going on a straight line all the time.
It just isn't like that.

Life in general?
I'll live it as I want it;
Everyday may be my last, so I try not to waste what little time I have though I think I've wasted quite a lot already!

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