Wednesday, September 1

food for thawt?

i wrote this sometime ago, with a few additions as well as a few omissions, but i thought i'd share it it is..

I had the weirdest & yet most thought provoking of dreams...

I dreamt that the world and the purpose of my existence or existence itself was something that was invented 'cos somebody out there had nothing better to do, and it all started out as a joke that somehow morphed into some kind of bizarrely interesting puzzle, unravelling its mysteries with each passing millenium...

and so i found myself, at the end of the world, the end of life as we know it, walking into heavens gates,which somehow looked so vaguely familiar,like something out of those movies, or a dream i once had; i was in my friend's house except that outside, interconnected and intertwined with evrything else are all the places i so love in the world! places where i used to go as a child, places that held a sentimental place in my heart;
lo and behold... all my friends appear. Friends i've just met & friends of old, some half drunk, stoned; some, by the sound of it in total physical ecstasy; sweet smelling smoke was clouding the ceiling; laughter and music filled the room; screams and shouts of pleasure echoed somewhere in the distance, and in the hazy world i somehow ended up in,
my friends' come to me and say-
"..dude, welcome home,the world just ended and we're running late!"
i stare at him, realising they all know something i don't... (late for what? what's happenning, where am I?)
"eternal life's one big party and we've been waiting for you since forever!" i stare at him still...
"well, wheres jesus?"
"jesus christ?", hehe... one of my friends says,
"dude, are you stupid or something? I know, you actually believe all that!? jesus isn't his real name, he's actually the original hippie and they call him dude!"
Somehow, it all made sense and stuff, however far fetched it would seem in normal circumstances...

it was strangely enlightening.
and then i woke up...
i was in my friend's place, wearing only boxers and my t shirt.. my nike shorts i had been wearing earlier were lying in the middle of the hallway, partly wet with what i later on discovered was piss, either mine or somebody elses.. dazed and wondering what had happened, i got my things which were scattered everywhere, said goodbye 2 one of them, who was as dazed as i was or worse..the others had left or wandered off somewhere. i didnt care.. i walked home still wondering what had just happened.. it was about 1 in the morning. what happenned in the 6 hours that had passed?
i got home, freshened up and went 2 bed..
when i got up later next morning, i was like, man, what the hell happened last night? whew, whatta trip!!
i gotta do that again! hehe.. i bet you have no idea what i'm talking about, anyways, i just felt like writing this stuff down.. that was all true by the was a very mind blowing experience,though strangely disturbing 'cos there's some things i just cannot write down or express in words.

it was fun!
& so began my journey into the unkown... the world of possibility...

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