There's just so many things on my mind right now I don't know which of em to write down, but I'll try... I've been having funny dreams lately & I don't know what to make out of it. Wonder what it all means...
My body's aching all over from working out last weekend, but I figure a few more weeks of this crap & I'm gonna be looking & feeling a lot better! hehe...
By the way, if u guys didn't know, I'm gonna be turning a year older this Friday & I wish all my friends could be here so we could all get stoned & wasted!!!
what's my age again?!?!
I'm kinda in a dilemma 'cos on one hand, I'm happy I've been given another year... Hooray!!!! Another notch on my belt... On the other hand, I'm gettin' old & I still have to start my own life. There's so many things I wanna do, so many dreams to realize & I hope that damn door of hope's still gonna be open when I do get things going on my own... Photobucket's down so I can't upload any pix but I'll check on it later today to see if it's up & running again... next post!!! (topic- moonshine)
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