Thursday, September 30

spaghetti incident

This is what I wanna be doing the whole day tomorrow!
Nothing would make me happier than eating enormous servings of greasy, cholesterol packed food & lots & lots of beer & liquor to wash all that shit down!
I don't care if I puke my guts out & pass out on the floor as long as I have a good laugh about it the next day & all my close friends are around to see it & share the food & drink with me.
Why, you ask?

  • Hint: Spaghetti.
  • Hint 2: Beer. Lots of beer.
Still don't get it? Where do u find spaghetti & beer at the same time?
Aside from Cafe Memento, my most favorite hangout as well as Su Steds where I'm enjoying a snack...
Still don't get it?
Check your calendar & ask yourself just who might be celebrating his birthday tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 28

doggy style

This is Marycor... It was a hot summer's night & me & some friends decided to 'cool' off by going to Night Shift to enjoy each other's company as well as a few bottles of rum. What she doesn't know is the summer heat must've gotten to the animals as well...
Marycor thinks I'm taking a picture of 'only' her but she's completely oblivious of the fact that a couple of sexed up dogs are getting it on right behind her back!!!
Indecent exposure? Animal Porn?

la lang



Monday, September 27



La lang... Wa koy lingaw.. Gi mingaw ko sa akong mga bro & sis... pasensya na!


Singapore moon...

Sci fi UFO moon...

the moon... samurai x style...

There's something 'bout this lifeless ball of rock that sends ripples of electricity down my spine everytime i set my eyes upon it...
Like the rising & setting of the sun, there's a subtle aura of unspeakable beauty & mystery that redefines itself every single time I see it;
A spotlight in the sky, glowing ever so brightly in its borrowed light;
earth's natural satellite- Mr. Moon.

It speaks volumes of the inexplicable power & wonder of creation... random fluke of nature or divine plan? the answers lie within us...

  • It's the same sun, same moon; day in day out; yet not once does it fail to strike an emotional chord.


There's just so many things on my mind right now I don't know which of em to write down, but I'll try... I've been having funny dreams lately & I don't know what to make out of it. Wonder what it all means...
My body's aching all over from working out last weekend, but I figure a few more weeks of this crap & I'm gonna be looking & feeling a lot better! hehe...
By the way, if u guys didn't know, I'm gonna be turning a year older this Friday & I wish all my friends could be here so we could all get stoned & wasted!!!
what's my age again?!?!
I'm kinda in a dilemma 'cos on one hand, I'm happy I've been given another year... Hooray!!!! Another notch on my belt... On the other hand, I'm gettin' old & I still have to start my own life. There's so many things I wanna do, so many dreams to realize & I hope that damn door of hope's still gonna be open when I do get things going on my own... Photobucket's down so I can't upload any pix but I'll check on it later today to see if it's up & running again... next post!!! (topic- moonshine)

Saturday, September 25


hey, I'm back.. My connection was fucked. again!!!
don't know why exactly but I've been offline for 2 days now & it's like having legs & not being able to walk. You know?
The computer's right there but you cant go online. Sweet... As you now know, my brain power is currently the equivalent of a coconut, so please, for the trillionth time, please,please bear with me! :) by the way, I'm chatting with my EP bros & sis right now, so Mr brain's getting some sort of stimulation. next post!!!

Wednesday, September 22

scenes from ILAW...

ever sexy Golda sent me these pix & I wish I was there with them...
My ILAW brethren, havin' a great time...

Above is ILAW headquarters, Sibulan.
There's Brod 7 with Fritz practising his skills in circumcision on him & Lesh looking on...

left to right- ralph,fritz,lesh & golda

Aktivisita kuno...hehehe...

Margo,Claro & Jae...

Akitivistas pt2

Tuesday, September 21

a small step

I took off my bead bracelet yesterday. I've never taken it off ever since. It's been with me for almost 2 years now. I cut off the string 'cos that was the only way to take it off & because it had loosened so much it was getting kinda irritating. It might not seem much to you, but that bracelet has been with me for quite sometime now & has been part of interesting & uh,awkward moments in my life; some i'll never forget & some I don't wanna remember.
If a camera was attatched to it, you'd know what i mean.
Taking that bracelet off symbolizes my moving on i guess.

I don't know why, but the moment i stepped off that plane & back on to old turf, it was totally different than the other times when it was just to visit.
This time, i was here to stay...


cindy. summer- larena, siquijor.

Monday, September 20


Looking back, it's been a wonderful 3 years away from home & i can't express how much i miss & cherish all the stupid & fun things i've been getting myself into. Right now, my life is the complete opposite of what i've left behind & I've passed another milestone, which means i'm getting old---er... sigh...

This has been constantly swimming in my brain, eating at my patience to hold it in, so i'll just have to write it down.

Basically this is the situation: I can't avoid it; complaining & whining won't do me any good.

What's IT you ask? well i'm in a rut. It's this 24 hour melancholic insanity & it's eating me up inside...

I'm pissed off right now, & at many things, but i keep that to myself 'cos i know i'm not the only one.

Deep huh? Well, that's how i feel right now but i don't let that affect anyone else but myself. I'm not selfish enough to do so.
Haha, I'm not self-righteous either, if that was what you were thinking, but i don't wanna ruin somebody's day at my expense.

Besides, you gotta grab life by the balls & say, hey, fuck it, so what? everyone has their day. Some days aren't just meant for me, you know...

conclusion? you just have to pick yourself up & get on living & not wasting every second 'cos time is something you can never get back.
I'm coming home peeps! Not right now, but i'm coming home!!!

Sunday, September 19


Numb... That's what I feel like right now. To borrow a line from a 90's hit song, it's another lazy sunday afternoon, I turn my head up & down, turn, turn, turn, turning round & round & all that I can see is just another lemon tree...
(Holy shit, I'm seeing lemons!) I wonder how, I wonder why,yesterday yo told me 'bout the blue blue sky & all that I can see is just another lemon tree... the guys who wrote this must've discovered psychedelics way too late in their lives.
pinch me, somebody, please...
by the way, eggs are so expensive these days. It's because of that damn bird flu or something virus & it's such a rarity to have an omelette these days, you just wonder what the world is coming to, you know? A world without eggs is an incomlete albeit a slightly healthier one but incompletet nontheless!
An increase of a few cents is ok, but 20 to 50?
what the f@%k?!?!?!? 1st it was beef & dairy products, then pork, now chicken & eggs... Then what? In the near future we'll be eating shit from our own asses 'cos all the food sources are inedible & contaminated 'cos of disease & that kind of stuff so, i'll have the uh, kentucky fried shit please, oh, with extra rice; can i have some ketchup with that too? thanks!


Please, please bear with me as i'm experiencing a temporary state of insanititzation... Fantasmagorical, i know... nothing much, but it affects me more than you so just sit down & keep your comments to yourself! well, until you're finished reading, then you can think 'bout it! I decided to go though my archives & put up a montage of me,my friends & my most favorite worldly thing of all, aside from music, cd's, dirty thoughts & the like: yep. i'm trippin' on alcohol baby!!! hehe...

after all that booze, everything starts to swirl...
I deserve a loyalty award from San Miguel & Tanduay...honestly...

& then, space... :)

Saturday, September 18


full moon over agan-an,sibulan...


SU STEDS,Jun '04 - Kenneth,Me & a bottle of Red Horse, best beer in the world!
Kakay's in the background; She's like co-manager of the place...

Nothing makes my day better than an ice cold bottle of Red Horse or Strong Ice & chilling out with my friends. For all those people who don't drink & zealously discourage it & are proud of your alcohol-free,buzz-less lives, you guys don't know what you're missing! hehe... You just missed half your life, amigo.. seriously... A word of advise though- drinking is good. Being drunk all the time isn't. There's a difference. You didn't think I was just some rambling idiot who drank for the fun of it & not knowing what could happen if one wasn't careful? hehe... I may have less brain cells than you, but I've got enough to think straight! Most of the time anyway... SHOTS!!!


summer sunrise- dumsvillle blvd

Another week, another page of my life draws to a close. A waste of good paper is what I think of it all . All this predictability just drives my already zombie-fied brain cells into a resident-evil kind of craziness! *Sigh...
All this negativity just doesn't send out good vibes.
On a more positive note, it is after all a weekend & everyone can just sit back, relax & forget about their uptight, stressed out selves for at least for a couple of days...

Friday, September 17


Sunset- Siquijor,Siquijor

Nothing expresses tranquility & peace & calm more than the setting of the sun.
It's so much more than words can ever possibly define. An overwhelming concoction of emotion, feelings & memories gush out of the deepest cracks of my mind. Somehow time stops; Mesmerized by the wonderful beauty of nature, all eyes look up at the sky in awe; Shades of yellows,orange & reds dance their last dance on the horizon;
The end of a day & the beginning of another...


I'm pissed right now. I'd just finished writing my entry for today & accidentally erased it! Shit!!! Now I have to write everything down again!
On a lighter note, it was my dad's birthday yesterday. Went out for dinner, where I thought I couldn't eat 'cos at first I felt like taking a crap, but the feeling subsided after a few bites; had some cake & ice cream & that was that. hehe... The food was good but there were some dishes I felt I could have cooked better! hehe, again. Nothing like a nice, quiet little family gathering every now & then...
It was cold & wet last night. Must be something to do with the shit I've been hearing on the news lately.

Wednesday, September 15


6 legged starfish, Siquijor,Siquijor.

Lately I've become more than the usual lazy ass slob that I am. These days I'm so
sloth-like, you could throw me in the zoo,
& I could have my own exhibit & you could come & watch my lazy ass & try feeding me peanuts or something! I feel I've evolved into a lesser being than what I once used to be. What's the opposite of evolution?
gotta look that up... Well, gotta do some evolving... be back tomorrow. I might be stuck in the Cretaceous stage or something but I'll try to be on par with you...

Tuesday, September 14

dum dee dee dum...

Something went wrong with my blog yesterday. I don't know what it was or how it got fucked up but I got it fixed, thanks to Justin. HMTL's such a wonderful creation but it's still greek to me. That's about it for now. Gotta go pick up my brain. Somebody left it in the microwave...

(pix- summer... me playing dead.. it was 2 or 3 in the morning i think...)

Monday, September 13


Uyong & Bonjung
beer can do many things...
here's 2 greek gods who decided to come to earth as filipinos...

Fel & Kenneth
Fresh from a day at the beach in Liloan, we headed straight to memento for some ice cold refreshments. & I don't mean Ice Tea...

Tau Alpha Beta (Tugas Alsa Baso boys-dissolved) hehe..
Kenneth, Bonjung, Berto, Butsky & me...

escanio- EP & mara
Mckhen,Rj(in orange),Ted,Ted's friend,Xtian,Job,Alpha,Kirby & Mara

Masscom peeps...
my batchmates...not all of 'em are here though..

ILAW- Dhonna,Nina,Berto,Edgie & Lesh

ILAW- Lesh,Golda,JAn,Kim

ILAW again...

Cris & Frans

Clarito "LAtino HeaT"



Sentimental fool that I am, here's just a little sneak peek at some of the characters that play a part in Jon's life. I'm missing their company alot but I can't do anything about that now, except keep in touch. I'll bump into them soon! Not all of my friends pix are there but i'll try to dig up a few more to share with ya... next post pls!!!