Monday, December 27
christmas' still in the air...can u smell it?
Thx 4 the cards, the little gifts & trinkets! I never expected anything so thanks alot! I don't have much to give, but all I can say is much thanks & I hope you have a blessed & fruitful holiday season! peace, love & respect!!!
Tuesday, December 21
Wednesday, December 15
xmas cleaning
May all of us be blessed with good things & pleasant memories to take with us from this festive season!
To all you guys who celebrate Christmas or not, have a nice one!
Remember to dispose of all your waste in an appropriate manner.
Reuse, reduce, recycle!
One earth y'all!
To all my Sigma Rho/Deltan brods & sis, miss u guys! Mclaine, Mckhens, happy belated! Maka ad2 unta ko sa ball para sa oath- taking pero next time nlang... Hay...
4 the Sigma Rho!!!
To my friends & in the Alakdan family, Viva Mafioso Alakdan!!! Tibo- R.I.P. bro!!! Your memory lives on!!!
To the crazy & eccentric yet wonderful dudes & dudettes of ILAW, dli ta tawo!!!!! hehe.... Miss u peeps!!!
to my batchmates in masscomm, I'll see when u get there! Clarito, Edgie, Geri, Verna, Michelle, Jae, BJ, JC, Bom2x, Mary Jef,
Katrina (even though nag shift na ka), Spring,
Kenot(hows Cebu?),
Shakey(chada Cagayan!), Mara, Luciene, Judy Gay, Mariel, Easter, Agot etc...
Sa mga Narra Boys- Fel, miss u dude! Jam ta sometime...Counter boyz- Kim,Omang,Emorey,JAyrol-Sorry Lor!,John Cas-rock on!!!.
Ryan Abutazil, how'v u been? Jakim, da man!!! Mark Espina, adikkk!!!!!!! hehe... Junex, IIII wish u were heeeeeerrrrrrrrreeee!!!!!!!! hahaha! Yugno, asa na ka? Jasper, biktima sa archery!!! Jevi boy, msta? JR Garcia, bay, brod na ta!!! Carlomar, fuck you, kawatan, yawaa kang adikk kang buanga ka!!! Marc, Ritz, my brods & good friends... Doki, raver, boob inspector extraordinaire, Jan, sing it with me-ni budlot akong mata ng tihang nakita ka!!!!! Benjboy,Biboy,Rommel,Ogots-akong shin guard ug pasalubong!
Clars, kita ta Steds!!! 6 hours!!! huh? oh, lagi... pila ka hours? 6 hours! briefsteak, space!!! Bonjung, shots!!! Payat, hard fuckin' metal!!! YEAH!!!
To friends & acquaintances I've not mentioned, don't worry, what's YM & MSN for? Besides, there's email.... hehe...
To Nats, one of my best friends & now fraternity brother, kita kits!!! Sana maka balik tayo sa Silliman ASAP...
well, lets all hope for the best. The year's coming to an end & we gotta move on...
That's it for now!
Peace, Love & Respect!!!
Tuesday, December 14
looking back once more
Looking back at where I've been, People I've met, things I've seen;
Friendships made & broken,
heartaches felt & of words,
Looking back to days of joy, days of laughter,
days of sorrow;
days so dark & days so bright.
Looking back, ever looking back...
Sunsets & sunrises, the echoes of music,
familiar voices, sweet, melodic, linger in my ears.
Looking back, through the years;
memories made, a life is shaped.
To what lies ahead; Things to see, people to meet, places to go;
The memories, they'll guide me through.
Though days uncertain, days unknown.
Till the moment is come when we meet again;
Much hope for tomorrow; This journey is without end.
Sunday, December 12
It's really bad 'cos my body clock is like stuck in a different time zone but I'm stuck here in wet, damp, humid Singapore. I gotta get my sleeping time right or I might as well sneak into the Evil Empire somehow...
My week was uneventful, to say the least. Lots of things happened, it's just, they weren't of any great significance to write down. I'm almost through with my song & I think I've got the bugs out with the last verse.
Christmas is just around the corner & it looks like the mass appealling commercialism of the holiday season is gonna make tons of cash again. 'Tis the season to be jolly! haha, NOT! When January hits, lotsa people are gonna be so deep in credit card debt, they're gonna they never bought their boy/girlfriend that dream gift or went on that expensive holiday... well...
I can't believe I made it this far into the year without really achieving anything, except quitting school & having to re-adapt myself back here in crappy Singapore. Not that it's crappy or anything, it's just, my heart isn't here, that's all. I know where I belong & it ain't here.
That's an achievement in itself, right? hehe... Better luck to me next year...
Friday, December 10
Many a trial have I encountered & countless more to overcome;
Any good thing is utopian, for the journey goes ever on.
I've fallen into an undesirable hiatus, this infinite melancholy is indescribable, yet almost well deserved. Brief it may seem in times to come, a bitter eternity of negativity has a hold on me, dragging me down, deeper & deeper;
This sad, sad predicament has left me reeling in panic, questioning; raving; pondering;
a baffling mind-fuck; questioning the very essence of my brief existence, I'm veering off course & heading face first into a brick wall.
A half expected question-mark shaped dead-end. Excuse me while I peel myself off & pick up the pieces of my broken carcass.
I cannot say for sure when this senseless, selfish bickering will end, but I hope it does soon. Don't mind me. Rather, think of yourselves. Men, small & great have had their moments of grief & happiness. It's both blessing & curse. One cannot go without the other.
It's been building up for a while now, & i guess I'm just letting out some steam... I think I wrote something similar sometime ago. They say time heals all wounds. I can't help but keep asking, WHEN?
Thursday, December 9
status quo
Wish i was there right now. I'm stuck here, watching tv & brooding & sulking miserably about not being able to go; I miss home so much & i'd grab any chance that comes my way to leave this place!
Gotta keep my hopes up; No use grumbling...
Monday, December 6
i dont care if monday's blue
It's 2. Yep, I just woke up. It's raining... Makes me feel like going back 2 bed but there's stuff to be done. After I get my lazy ass off d computer, I'm gonna do some exercise... yehey... At least I'm gonna do something productive; for now, unlike my other brother... hehe, him & his final fantasy, 24/7. You know who you are! :)
got nothing else to put into writing, my head's blank. Well, good day!
Tuesday, November 30
His ability to use it well & to his advantage for good or bad is what has made great heroes & villains as history tells us...
what am I then? which category do i fall in:
hero, villain or spectator?
I have yet to find out...
Everyone has a story to tell, mine is only beginning to unfold.
Here's to what is yet to be!
Wednesday, November 24
The long wingdingyding road
I'm pathetic aren't I? Well, it's true. I can't deny what I'm feeling. Gotta let it out somehow.
Anyways, congrats to all u Bday celebrants, & good luck 2 u guys getting your PSLE scores today...
I seriously need a drink... 2 bad Red Horse or Tanduay isn't available here...
Tuesday, November 23
I need a drink... Or some shrooms... *sigh
Friday, November 19
Man, that bitch can kick!!
My life as I know it is a drag; I don't know, all this time I've been telling myself it'll all be better soon & honestly, I wish soon was now.
oh looky looky, i'm acting so emo... Crap. I swear, I can write a hit emo song in a minute 'cos those things take no effort. All you have to do is put the words 'why', you, me, love,alone, sick, sad, crying, life... Yeah, put all that shit together & you have yourself a chart topper! hehe...
In the words of one my favorite fictional characters, brought to life & played to perfection by Johnny Depp, Captain Jack Sparrow, after a rum induced evening & getting shitfaced with the heroine he wakes up & sees smoke a mile high in the sky & all the rum on the island he & the girl are marooned on, up in flames he cries,
"...why's all the rum gone?!?!"
Wednesday, November 17
I haven't gotten up so early for anything else since I can't remember!
Next week's another chance to prove myself. Wish me luck... I gotta take a dump, I've been havin' a bad case of flatulence for 2 days now. Good food... hehe...
Tuesday, November 16
What am I saying? Nothing much actually, but I think I'm on to something, I don't know what it is yet. Kinda how life is huh? There's this inevitable something waiting for me at the other side; good or bad, who's to know?
Live life, always see the brighter side of everything even when things don't seem to be goin' in your favor...
Monday, November 15
Don't ask why, I just am.
There's lots happening these days, 2nd sem in SU which, sadly I'm not a part of, *sob, as well as Arafat dying, Bush getting re-elected, the end of Ramadan & the begininning of Hari Raya Puasa... I can go on & on... So what do I do? Well, I blast the speakers on full & listen to "Friday I'm In Love" then pop in any Godfather DVD & engross myself in the emotional roller coaster that is the life of Michael Corleone. After that, back to reality...
Friday, November 12
This is a pic of one of my best friends in SU... Can't see his face though, but he's sharing some love ryt there... anybody for some herbal remedy?
Wednesday, November 10
Saturday, November 6
no journey is ever easy but along the way you kinda wish there was an easier road to take. Alas it can never be... Trod on we must.
Friday, November 5
As I write this, the world is ever changing by the second. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat just died & apparently Bush has another chance to take over the rest of the "Arab" world after having won another term. I see more troubled times, but hey, all we've got to do is hope for the best & do our part in making the world a better place. Peace & Love... That's all there is to it, understanding & knowledge, patience, yeah you're probably saying cut the bullshit Jon, but hey, if it doesn't start with me or you, how else can you help?
Tuesday, November 2
Sunday, October 31
on the wall
Went to JB a week ago & visited my old neighborhood. That sure brings memories. I can say I'm still young but I'm old enough to look back & laugh at all the dumb things I've done & be open to more dumb things when they do happen! The reality of everything is so ovewhelming. I can't help but think & see myself a few years ago & look at myself now to see what I've become.
Anyway, I'm close to finding out what I wanna do after all this & I don't see myself working in an cubicle for body else. That'll be the last thing I wanna do. I'm gonna make sure I get to do what I want to do & enjoy it instead of wasting my time slaving off for somebody else. I can dream, but those dreams are gonna be a reality.
Friday, October 29
Reality is a harsh one. I was looking over my life insurance policy & I am proud to announce I will not be committing any form of suicide till after a year of my 1st insurance term. I can do it a year after & I can't fail 'cos if I do, then I wouldn't be able to claim my money now would I? Here's what's ironic, if I do commit suicide, I could get it , just not physically though...
Tuesday, October 26
return of the neutered
Tuesday, October 19
I think the world's problems will never be solved but with a positive attitude & a willingness to try new things, make mistakes & learn from them, all of us can make a difference.
Monday, October 18
Wanna know why the world is what it is? Why there's so much animosity & hate & misunderstanding?
It all comes down to knowing & seeing both sides of the coin.
You can't stand around, rant & rave, & tell people they're wrong & you're right without knowing why you think you're right in the first place. People think they've got it all figured out, but they don't, & neither do I.
example: I like Nirvana, you don't.
You have a right not to like it, but you cannot discredit them & put the band down, because they have achieved a lot & made an impact in many ways to millions of people worldwide.
It's the same as everything else in life. We are all entitled to like certain things & dislike certain things. The key factor of it all is understanding that there's 2 sides 2 everything. Until we understand that, the world will continue as it is & we will have made no impact whatsoever in making it a better place. That's what I think anyway...
Friday, October 15
warpd out
Look, find, free! Do you get it yet? Do you get it yet?
Evidence, in the march of the ant, pulse of the sea.
Look, find, free! Do you get it yet, do you get it yet?
From here on it's instinctual, even straight roads meander.
Every piece contains a map of it all." ACLOTM- Incubus
Do what need be done, focus... Everything else will follow.
Time; blessing or curse? Or both?
Take it. She knocks on many doors, but the knocks, they echo off deaf ears.
Wednesday, October 13
Today, I don't wanna talk about anything in particular 'cos from what I've observed, there's an underlying topic in all the crap you've had the pleasure of reading on my blog. My frustrations, insecurities, emotions. Most of it is there; if it isn't, you havent been reading between the lines.
I hesitate to say it 'cos it isn't anything I haven't said already, & I figure it wouldn't hurt to remind myself how true it all is.
To you people out there, wading in comfort, living your self-made, materialistic, mortal lives & thinking that's how it's gonna be forever, think again, the shit hasn't even begun to hit the fan! Don't take things for granted! Live life, every second, every day. Have a nice one, I'm out!
Tuesday, October 12
Either way I'm still screwed.
Yeah, pass the negativity around why don't I?
I wish I had a credit card & a shitload of cash. The possibilities of online shopping.
Now I know why Net freaks sit on their asses all day, browsing, downloading, chatting, shopping. It's a galaxy of things accessible at the click of a button.
Nothing beats the real world though. Blood,sweat & tears. The smells, sights, sounds; Sure, a picture is pretty, but watching the sunset by the beach with your friends or loved ones for example, is worth more than any picasso or da vinci.
The feel of the sand between your toes, the colors, the smells, the waves crashing on the shore...
Here's the best part- All that, & a wireless connection laptop! Best of both worlds.
Gotta love these sleep deprived moments! hehehe...
Monday, October 11
uninspire me
This blog is supposed to be talking about me & things that make me, me & at times, I find that I stray from my original purpose & it sucks 'cos the only one I'm fooling is myself.
I won't go as far as saying I'm a writer or anything like that. A writer inspires, conjures magic with his words; stimulates his/her readers mind; is able to move a person in many ways & stir his/her imagination to new heights. I don't think I've achieved any of that, but writing is one of the few things I'm decent & I think I have a shot at developing it into something more than just stringing a bunch of words together & bragging about how good I am at it & shit.
These past few days I think I've been firing blanks & I hate it. I need to get out more, see more things, feed my brain more oxygen... Man, I wish I were back in Dgt.! I could trip on some shit & be inspired for a week! My think tank grown so stale...
garfield syndrome
Dad's in Dubai for a few days & it's the boys in charge of the house... I wonder how we'll be coping.
The weather is as uninspiring as staring at a puddle of gunk. I swear, staying at home almost every single day is hell, but cloudy skies just make things worse... Monday blues, I feel like a certain lasagna loving, lazy, obese feline. I wish I was Garfield though. What a perfect life. Eat, sleep, kick ode's ass & get myself into trouble only to have something good come at the end. Sigh, dream on kid...
To other things, I'm glad I didn't have to wake up early today to send my brother to school. Apparently class is over for him. Good. I slept thru the morning like a baby & when I did get up I was just in time for brunch.
Sunday, October 10
wee wee weekend
As I'm writing this down however, ideas are building up somewhere in my cranium. Encouraging signs, I hope. Dammit. Blank again.
A semester is over back in SU & I wish I could be part of the post-exam partying, & purposely fatten up San Miguel's' ever growing pockets. We're all winners I guess. They get rich, we have a good time, get drunk, have funny stories to tell about it.. yep... Life... Congrats to all my friends who've survived another semester of booze,sex,drugs, rock & roll, & of course SCHOOL. hehe... Cheers!
Friday, October 8
the point is?
Siquijor Sunrise, Summer '04
I've been biking around lately. It's like my newest trip. Nothin' feels better than biking in the morning. Especially with my trusty camera in hand.The morning sun, always a sight, is one of my favorite things to see & take pictures of.
I don't know, it's just that there's always something about it that draws much curiosity & awe from a mortal mind.
Wednesday, October 6
Quirky characters, interesting & funny plots. A feel-good story about life & the surprises in store for each & every one of us. Too tired to get into details about the show right now; when I'm in the mood I'll be more than glad to share with you!
I kinda related with today's episode 'cos it was about looking back into one's past & comparing if one was happier then, than one was today.
I'm much happier today than when I was in high school. I still have that pissed-off attitude & rightly so, given the situation I'm in. I'm not letting that make me a negative person or anything, though.
I hated, no, I loathed my school! I had so much contempt for that place, everyday in that shithole was always something, yet I cherish what I experienced; I made new friends, learned a lot; not academically though. That place was not one I'd associate with academics. Screw that! Sports day, inter-class, playing soccer for the school; hehe, stupid self-study sessions after school where all we did was waste 2 f*ckin' hours doing absolutely nothing at all; detention; punishments, girls, you name it! I just hated the school! It wasn't the building. I liked it! It had a distinct aura about it. I miss the basketball court. I'll never forget the soccer games we had there. Bad thing was, we weren't allowed to play soccer in the basketball court back then. If we were caught playing it was either detention or some form of punishment, plus our ball confiscated forever! You know what? Now, my school has a fucking street soccer court. Neat. Did you know that my school's relocated to Woodlands? & that after I graduated? I used to get up at 5 in the morning so I wouldn't be late for school 'cos it was way away at Lavender! I usually got home about 5 or 6, & boy was I exhausted. & u wonder why I never did good for my O's?Now the damn place is just 10 min. walk from my house! Talk about ironic.
I just hated the fact that there was just so much bullshit goin' around, so much I just can't describe! I hated most of the staff, a bunch of characters they were, good luck to them! I'm relieved I'm out!
College, however, was different. I've never regretted a minute of it! Even though I've done lotsa dumb & stupid things! I've learnt much more about life & myself while in college.
So-called independence & freedom to do whatever I pleased, whenever I pleased was a luxury I never knew existed & how I relished every moment of it! Sadly, I had to temporarily give up all that due to unforeseen circumstances deemed inevitable by the powers that be. Karma? who knows...
The journey is just only begun. After NS, I'm gonna return from my reluctant hiatus & finish what I started back in SU!
Watch out world!!!!!!
comfortably numb...
on the way to siquijor- summer '04
Above is a pic I took last summer. Kenneth, Sol, EmEm,Tita Jen & myself went to Siqiujor to soak up some sun & chill out for a few days. Took this on the way there. It was my 1st time there by the way.
Apparently my thinking motors aren't up to speed with the rest of my body so I think I'm gonna go recharge for a while. be back later! I swear, a barrage of profanity is forming on the tip my tongue; I'm frustrated 'cos I can't think of anything to write at the moment.
Tuesday, October 5
The 4 of us. There was a slight wind & it was right in my face, so I wasn't looking my best. I hate myself in this picture. Not that I'm good looking or anything but, you know...
Monday, October 4
nyt lyt...
Shit... Yet another cause for displeasure...
I didn't save my post & i don't wanna write it all over again!
Foul words are oozing out of my mouth right now so i'll be back when i feel better... by the way, i took this pic during the weekend...
Nothing much to say about it but this is near my place & the moon was out.
Saturday, October 2
That's me from last night... We went to an all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ...
Pigged out on almost everything! I came prepared though... I went on an empty stomach! FOOD TRIP!!!!!!!
In the meantime I've decided to not post pix 4 a while but I'll do as soon as I get my photobucket album up & running again.
To better things, I celebrated my birthday last night with my family for the 1st time in 2 years. It was a quiet gathering. Just us six, I had a nice time & it's made me reflect on lots of stuff like how I've had 2 birthdays wihout my family & how nice it feels when they're around even though i can't stand them at times...
I'm sorta at a loss for words at the moment. Particularly 'cos of this damn photobucket shit & I really can't concentrate on what I wanted to write. A moment of inspiration, obliterated albeit a minor incident, yet it still affects me whatever the hell you say! Hundreds of pix lost!!!!!!
PUTANG INA!!!!!! ( pardon the language...)
It's good I have backups though...
Friday, October 1
usa ka tu-ig
Di ko ka tu-o nga guwang na kaayo ko... hehe...
Here's to another year!
I'm so blessed to have endured the highs & lows of the past 12 months...
I don't know if I've grown for the better or for the worse, but I've learnt quite alot.
Eternally grateful for every second,every minute...
I thank the great unknown & mysterious forces who have contributed to my existence, my gratitude is so deep, words seem to have no meaning.
to see, to touch, to smell, to hear, to breathe;
to experience & cherish these mortal pleasures as if each day were my last;
This, my ode to life...
what lies beyond, one can only imagine.
The journey has only just begun...
Thursday, September 30
spaghetti incident
This is what I wanna be doing the whole day tomorrow!
Nothing would make me happier than eating enormous servings of greasy, cholesterol packed food & lots & lots of beer & liquor to wash all that shit down!
I don't care if I puke my guts out & pass out on the floor as long as I have a good laugh about it the next day & all my close friends are around to see it & share the food & drink with me.
Why, you ask?
- Hint: Spaghetti.
- Hint 2: Beer. Lots of beer.
Aside from Cafe Memento, my most favorite hangout as well as Su Steds where I'm enjoying a snack...
Still don't get it?
Check your calendar & ask yourself just who might be celebrating his birthday tomorrow...
Tuesday, September 28
doggy style
This is Marycor... It was a hot summer's night & me & some friends decided to 'cool' off by going to Night Shift to enjoy each other's company as well as a few bottles of rum. What she doesn't know is the summer heat must've gotten to the animals as well...
Marycor thinks I'm taking a picture of 'only' her but she's completely oblivious of the fact that a couple of sexed up dogs are getting it on right behind her back!!!
Indecent exposure? Animal Porn?
Monday, September 27
Singapore moon...
Sci fi UFO moon...
the moon... samurai x style...
There's something 'bout this lifeless ball of rock that sends ripples of electricity down my spine everytime i set my eyes upon it...
Like the rising & setting of the sun, there's a subtle aura of unspeakable beauty & mystery that redefines itself every single time I see it;
A spotlight in the sky, glowing ever so brightly in its borrowed light;
earth's natural satellite- Mr. Moon.
It speaks volumes of the inexplicable power & wonder of creation... random fluke of nature or divine plan? the answers lie within us...
- It's the same sun, same moon; day in day out; yet not once does it fail to strike an emotional chord.
My body's aching all over from working out last weekend, but I figure a few more weeks of this crap & I'm gonna be looking & feeling a lot better! hehe...
By the way, if u guys didn't know, I'm gonna be turning a year older this Friday & I wish all my friends could be here so we could all get stoned & wasted!!!
what's my age again?!?!
I'm kinda in a dilemma 'cos on one hand, I'm happy I've been given another year... Hooray!!!! Another notch on my belt... On the other hand, I'm gettin' old & I still have to start my own life. There's so many things I wanna do, so many dreams to realize & I hope that damn door of hope's still gonna be open when I do get things going on my own... Photobucket's down so I can't upload any pix but I'll check on it later today to see if it's up & running again... next post!!! (topic- moonshine)
Saturday, September 25
don't know why exactly but I've been offline for 2 days now & it's like having legs & not being able to walk. You know?
The computer's right there but you cant go online. Sweet... As you now know, my brain power is currently the equivalent of a coconut, so please, for the trillionth time, please,please bear with me! :) by the way, I'm chatting with my EP bros & sis right now, so Mr brain's getting some sort of stimulation. next post!!!
Wednesday, September 22
scenes from ILAW...
ever sexy Golda sent me these pix & I wish I was there with them...
My ILAW brethren, havin' a great time...
Above is ILAW headquarters, Sibulan.
There's Brod 7 with Fritz practising his skills in circumcision on him & Lesh looking on...
left to right- ralph,fritz,lesh & golda
Aktivisita kuno...hehehe...
Margo,Claro & Jae...
Akitivistas pt2
Tuesday, September 21
a small step
I took off my bead bracelet yesterday. I've never taken it off ever since. It's been with me for almost 2 years now. I cut off the string 'cos that was the only way to take it off & because it had loosened so much it was getting kinda irritating. It might not seem much to you, but that bracelet has been with me for quite sometime now & has been part of interesting & uh,awkward moments in my life; some i'll never forget & some I don't wanna remember.
If a camera was attatched to it, you'd know what i mean.
Taking that bracelet off symbolizes my moving on i guess.
I don't know why, but the moment i stepped off that plane & back on to old turf, it was totally different than the other times when it was just to visit.
This time, i was here to stay...
Monday, September 20
This has been constantly swimming in my brain, eating at my patience to hold it in, so i'll just have to write it down.
Basically this is the situation: I can't avoid it; complaining & whining won't do me any good.
What's IT you ask? well i'm in a rut. It's this 24 hour melancholic insanity & it's eating me up inside...
I'm pissed off right now, & at many things, but i keep that to myself 'cos i know i'm not the only one.
Deep huh? Well, that's how i feel right now but i don't let that affect anyone else but myself. I'm not selfish enough to do so.
Haha, I'm not self-righteous either, if that was what you were thinking, but i don't wanna ruin somebody's day at my expense.
Besides, you gotta grab life by the balls & say, hey, fuck it, so what? everyone has their day. Some days aren't just meant for me, you know...
conclusion? you just have to pick yourself up & get on living & not wasting every second 'cos time is something you can never get back.
I'm coming home peeps! Not right now, but i'm coming home!!!
Sunday, September 19
(Holy shit, I'm seeing lemons!) I wonder how, I wonder why,yesterday yo told me 'bout the blue blue sky & all that I can see is just another lemon tree... the guys who wrote this must've discovered psychedelics way too late in their lives.
pinch me, somebody, please...
by the way, eggs are so expensive these days. It's because of that damn bird flu or something virus & it's such a rarity to have an omelette these days, you just wonder what the world is coming to, you know? A world without eggs is an incomlete albeit a slightly healthier one but incompletet nontheless!
An increase of a few cents is ok, but 20 to 50?
what the f@%k?!?!?!? 1st it was beef & dairy products, then pork, now chicken & eggs... Then what? In the near future we'll be eating shit from our own asses 'cos all the food sources are inedible & contaminated 'cos of disease & that kind of stuff so, i'll have the uh, kentucky fried shit please, oh, with extra rice; can i have some ketchup with that too? thanks!
Please, please bear with me as i'm experiencing a temporary state of insanititzation... Fantasmagorical, i know... nothing much, but it affects me more than you so just sit down & keep your comments to yourself! well, until you're finished reading, then you can think 'bout it! I decided to go though my archives & put up a montage of me,my friends & my most favorite worldly thing of all, aside from music, cd's, dirty thoughts & the like: yep. i'm trippin' on alcohol baby!!! hehe...
after all that booze, everything starts to swirl...
I deserve a loyalty award from San Miguel & Tanduay...honestly...
& then, space... :)