There's this song that's playing on & on in my head. It's not my favorite song but it's a catchy tune, so there.
Today, I don't wanna talk about anything in particular 'cos from what I've observed, there's an underlying topic in all the crap you've had the pleasure of reading on my blog. My frustrations, insecurities, emotions. Most of it is there; if it isn't, you havent been reading between the lines.

As I've said time & time again, I'm going through a phase of transition, & my world as I know it has been turned upside down & inside out, nausea is an understatement. It's not as if it hasn't happened before but at this stage of my life where I'm finally realizing who I really am & what I wanna do with myself, it couldn't have come at a better time! C'est La Vie, the French say. In plain English, life's a cold blooded bitch. Life, the mystery of all mysteries; It sucks you in, & when you least expected, spits your dead, rotting remains onto the pavement, to be stepped on & crushed by the other bitch - circumstance!
I hesitate to say it 'cos it isn't anything I haven't said already, & I figure it wouldn't hurt to remind myself how true it all is.
To you people out there, wading in comfort, living your self-made, materialistic, mortal lives & thinking that's how it's gonna be forever, think again, the shit hasn't even begun to hit the fan! Don't take things for granted! Live life, every second, every day. Have a nice one, I'm out!
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