Best birthday I can't remember.
3rd Oct '08, I remember the jap buffet cos mom's bday
and mine is a day apart.
Then there was zouk.
And the jaegerbombs, and the spiked jaegerbombs,
laced with belvedere,grey goose and/or martell,
thanks Eugene and Cedric.
It was a memorable, night,
Particularly the series of events that ensued of which i have no
recollection whatsoever.
Here's to another dent in my liver,
a few hundred thousand more dead braincells, and to a good time,
for everybody present.
And, uh, whoever found Rumi's phone, do what is right, will ya?
And if you chanced upon with malicious intent, i hope you rot in hell,
not before enduring and possibly surviving a truly tragic and traumatic
life shattering episode of drama soon to make reality a tad more interesting for you.
Belated happy birthday bai!:)
And yez, everyone's blogging na. so you can visit us in cyberspace. wee!
belated happy birthday!!
how old are you, man? hehe. geez... we ARE getting older. anyway, i miss you and take care and *hug. hehe!
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