I'm at loggerheads with myself,
questionning the validity and intentions
of my involvement in next weeek's activities.
I'm not in the least bit reluctant and I'd
be the first in line to get on that plane away from here.
It's just this little task looming ahead,
and my fears of commitment and of bearing sole responsibility
for the outcome of it all is tearing away at me.
You're right.
I should just shut it because it seems like
I'm in deeper shit than I make it out to be.
At least you're making an effort to get ahead in your
predicament, unlike myself.
I've wasted an entire day,
barely thinking anything constructive;
I did the dishes, helped prepare for dinner.
Otherwise it was back to my mundane existence,
alternating between my online meanderings
and rummaging for snacks.
This hiatus;
yet another excuse to waste more time,
like I'm doing right now.
Like I've been doing for the most part of my life.
The seconds keep ticking away
and the world hasn't changed.
listening to: I'm broken -Pantera