how often we forget how time and coinciding factors can affect the outcome of our daily lives.
a toast to those who are no longer with us. You are dearly and severely missed.
A part of me dies. Each and every time a loved one passes on.
Only the memories remain, however fleetingly they linger about in our thoughts, the familiar smells, sights, sounds, mannerisms. All but recordings of what's past..
A toast to all our dearly departed. You are sorely missed.
Last year was a dreadfully long and insane-depressingly-unproductive one.
I'll say one thing though; i'm not making any delusional procalamations this time. I'm cutting down on bullshit, there's a truckload leftover from last year i need to shovel off my conscience.
thank yous and fuck yous to all who deserve it. big thanks to my little gang of misfits and knuckleheads, you're most cherished. my beloved brothers,cousins, neices Nichole and Chloe and their lil bro Tyrone, ma & pa, all the J's, Rumi, Cindy n Zai n Mesh, ur all wonderful people and ones to treasure for life. You've been there for me when i needed you the most..
Cindy, you're always blunt and say things as they are, a quality lacking in many people these days.
Zai, thanks for always havin' my back. I've lost count as to how many times you've looked out for me, after too many drinks and a few other incidents... You're a great leader and an even better friend.
Meshy, we miss you badly man. You're one of the few guys I can really talk to about stuff and I can't wait for you to get back!
To Rumi, there's too many things to say about you and I don't know where to start... So I'll just say this- I don't think I'd be the same person I am now had I never met you. You're an important piece of the puzzle that is me. Though I'm still super rough around the edges, jagged even; you don't know how highly appreciated you are.
To Des, haha, we're just about to start on many crazy adventures!
To Jenn, thx alot for being a good friend and always watching out for me! I owe you alot :)
To my close friends and extended family from SU, I miss you loads, Payats,Bonjung,BamBam,Putin,Natmonds,Mitsu,Verns,Shell,Claro, and all you guys I forgot to mention! Its amazing we've kept in touch all these years!
To the party people, Sharm,Jamie,Laura,Eugene,Cedric,Nic,Song,Sali, everytime we meet up is a blast, and there's more to come! To the peeps who have made a difference in my life, some of whom i have not met in eons, and some i've lost contact with, cheers and salutations, we may not see eye to eye on some things, but we had good times and that's all that matters.
I need not mention names and events and places, but to those of you who have fucked me over and double crossed and have intentionally caused greivous hurt, in any way imaginable, to myself and/or my friends, thanks for the experience; We've come out stronger and better than before. Go fuck yourselves, look at you now.
here's to more good times, and the hope that the conflicts in the middle east will simmer down, and innocent lives be spared. Is Osama still alive? I've no idea. Stop racial bigotry and hatred, and all these terrorist cells claiming to fight in the name of their religion and cause mindless violent uproars are ignorant cowardly pigs. You are nothing but trigger happy brainwashed individuals, mere pawns for blood thirsty maniacs deadset on reigning chaos and spilling blood because they can. Aren't you tired?
Cheers to all of us trying to hold on to our jobs and that nobody pulls this fancy faux fur rug from under our feet, because once the bubble bursts it's not going to be pretty.
Let's take a second to mourn the death of polaroid and old school film cameras. Nobody buys cd's anymore, pretty soon we'll be listening to music and watching movies from chips transplanted in our brains, and we'll be walking, talking multimedia trasnmitters and receivers. Talk about advancement in communication and broadcasting!
Here's to the re emergence of once defunct boy bands repackaging themselves to re ignite extinguished flames and broken hearts. Wheeee... It's the 90's all over again. Here's to all the bands that have re-formed and broken up and reformed again and leaving us dumbfounded and wondering how much more can we progress,musically and creatively, as intelligent as we are; I admire the simple existence of single celled organisms, here today, gone tomorrow, i'll just spawn another copy of myself; and probably the world indeed is ending, we're all made to consume recycled and repackaged products. pretty soon we'll be eating colorfully wrapped fancy celophane capsules made of human/animal excrement because of a massive worldwide food shortage. Blame global warming, soil erosion, drought, flood, typhoons, God... blame ourselves, whichever way you see it, let's all be better human beings and try to live life as much as we can, and not at the expense of others.
so, enough with the angst and clink your glasses people, cos it's 2009. whoopeee....