First of all,
a very merry christmas
to all,
to my dear relatives and
friends scattered around the world.
And I hope the next few days
will be a memorable
curtain call for 2009.
It's been one of
the worst years of my life,
but that's another story.
Anyway after doing some
research, I found
out that I was
extremely misinformed
about the whole suicidal
furballs issue,
so to all Lemmings,
I'm sorry I thought
you kill yourselves.
I've come to realize
that no matter how
highly developed our brains
are, we aren't that
smart after all.
Saturday, December 26
Wednesday, December 23
i hope
At some point in their lives,
lemmings travel
many miles and end their
short lives
by jumping off a cliff.
Driven by some unknown force,
they seem to be in
a trance-like state,
scampering about
by the millions,
and for reasons unbeknownst
to us so far,
they offer themelves to
the sea and many a grateful
carnivore and scavenger.
Scientists think too much.
Suicidal rodents. tsk...
anthony green says:
lemmings travel
many miles and end their
short lives
by jumping off a cliff.
Driven by some unknown force,
they seem to be in
a trance-like state,
scampering about
by the millions,
and for reasons unbeknownst
to us so far,
they offer themelves to
the sea and many a grateful
carnivore and scavenger.
Scientists think too much.
Suicidal rodents. tsk...
anthony green says:
Wednesday, December 16
so I'm looking for a way out;
a way in, to something better.
helter skelter
finding shelter
And I learn my lesson,
but I lie to myself.
a way in, to something better.
helter skelter
finding shelter
And I learn my lesson,
but I lie to myself.
Thursday, December 10
... knows a secret about Aaron and a particular so...
Melvin has part 9 up and coming! and we're seriously side tracking to gay love or some shit so I think I'll do part 10 lol we must stick to the general direction of the story people! It's about Aaron and his two loves (or now maybe 3 with the little man friend? who knows?)
November 26 at 3:07pm
Random facts:
lol i think the man friend just followed his instincts to go sleep in the bed. its way more comfy than the sofa.. but knowing the man firneds short term memory, naturally hed wake up not rmembering much lol
November 26 at 3:09pm
So on behalf of Melvin (who happens to be sick and unable to write) I shall continue with PART 9!
Part 9 :
Jon reached under the bed and pulled out a little brownish white kitten who was mewing with displeasure at being carried. A condom was stuck to its retractable claws and it looked pretty used....
Aaron was shocked the kitten was none other than HEADSHOT! (Melvin's kitty) What the heck was headshot doing under his bed?
Jon gingerly unhooked the condom from headshot's claws and inspected it. Headshot squirmed out of his grasp and landed on the bed glaring at the little man friend.
"It's definitely used" Jon said and looked at Aaron with apprehension and threw it into Aaron's Chelsea rubbish bin (yep chealsea is rubbish)
"I didn't do shit fool!" Aaron cried trying to defend himself
Awkward silence filled the air as they both stared at each other trying to remember what happened that fateful night.
Suddenly . . . CONTINUE
November 27 at 3:12pm
Part 10:
Jon, after touching the condom with disgusting liquid in it, went to the toilet to wash his hands and freshen up, hoping that it'll help remembering the events that happened recently.
Just as he was about to enter the toilet, he heard some weird noises. It was as if some sort of F1 car was revving its engine at the car park down below. Curiously, he stuck his head out the window to take a peek. However to his dismay, he saw nothing of that sort. Then he heard it again, it sounded like it came from the toilet! How the hell can a car be in a toilet?? ...
He slowly peeked inside and saw none other than Melvin in there. Lying in a fetus position, hugging the toilet bowl and snoring like as if he's trying to wake the whole of Singapore.
The toilet smelled like puke and he actually saw a some pieces of the last night's dinner in the toilet bowl. He eeked at the sight of it and flushed. He then washed his hands and sprinkled some water on Melvin's face.
Melvin mumbled something. Since it was quite soft, Jon bent over and asked him to repeat.
"When are you people going to be done? I want the air con and soft bed..."
Just after he struggled to say those few lines, he puked again and knocked out on the floor again .
Jon tried shaking and slapping Melvin, repeatedly asking "WHO ARE THE YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?!"
...... To Be Continued......
November 27 at 10:12pm
Part 11:
As Aaron watched Jon head to the toilet, fear clouded his mind. Did he really have sex with Jon and let a cat watch??? This was really beyond weird, what the fuck happened last night? Aaron covered his face with his hands wishing that everything was a bad dream.
The door burst open and standing in the doorway heaving and panting stood a very angry looking James Chan! Why the fuck was he here? Aaron thought...
"You've got some fucking explaining to do" James snarled
"What happened now?" nothing could surprise Aaron at this point
"Rachaelle's fucking in a coma that's what's wrong and people're thinking its me. Fuck this shit, I don't need shit like this! So I'm the bad boy, the bad influence, the "hey, I need you tonight but maybe not tomorrow cuz I have someone better guy? Oh sometimes I'm the dumb fuck who actually gives a shit but for fuck sake screw this shit! Fuck off! It wasn't me and you better set things straight cuz I don't fucking remember shit"
"Whatever, what would matter to you is that Rachaelle's in a fucking coma, so go fix it"
The words hit Aaron like a fucking bulldozer and no matter how big he was, even a bulldozer would definitely hurt Aaron.
Aaron : "Okay I'm going to. . . . CONTINUE FOR FUCK SAKE"
November 27 at 10:46pm
Part 12:
Aaron: ... take a piss man, i duno why but the toilet is calling out my name... oh wait, its melvin haha... wait WTF.. melvin is in my toilet. okayyyyy, great, rachaelle is half past gone... and i have jon in my bed,, ewwww.... and melvin swimming in his own digestive juices.... great now what do i do.....
As aaron srumbled half drunkenly, amazed at his newfound alcoholic prowess ( he emptied a whole six pack last night yeyyyy, applause applause.. woohoo) unzipped his fly and told the bowl what he thought of last night....
AS the golden shower ensued, thoughts crept into his mind... flashes and waves of color and light and faces and the floor.. whoa, something about the floor... haha aaron laughed to himself, a post hangover buzz probably making itself known to him... okay okay, so raechelle's in a coma... shit, melvins passed out a few inches away from my left, no, right leg, jon is, uh, where's jon... ah fuck it, he's alright... wait wait, there was somebody else last night....
Aaron zips up takes a look at himsself in the mirror, washes his hands... and ponders... Mom's gonna be real pissed at me when she gets home later...
HEY JAMES! still got asahi in the fridge or not? i need to meditate.
November 27 at 11:07pm
PART 13 continued:
If looks could kill, the glare that James gave Aaron would have turned him to stone.
"There's no more Asahi in the damn fridge" James said coldly "Can we just recap on what the hell you did last night?"...
By now, Melvin, Jared and Jon had gathered in the living room, blurry eyed and hung over.
"Okay here's what we're going to do. We're going to narrate our own versions of what happened last night then maybe we can piece everything together" James said
"That's a damn good idea la!" Aaron seemed enthusiastic.
Before they could continue, the doorbell rang
Aaron stood up feebly and unlocked his main door. There in the doorway stood Shan in her punk rocker singaporean lian glory. (LOL, i'm sorry Aaron I couldn't resist). She glared at Aaron as tears filled her eyes.
"TAKE RESPONSIBILITY ASSHOLE!" she screamed at him and dropped to her knees sobbing uncontrollably.
Aaron slammed the door in her face
"WHAT THE FUCK?" Aaron pressed his back against the door panting in fear. He ignored the continuous pounding and screaming at his door and went to the living room. All eyes were on him.
"Yes we definitely need to figure out what happened" Aaron said weakly
"Jolly good, so I'll go first then dudes" the little man friend said "Last night. . . . JON CONTINUE PLEASE"
Writer's note:
Sorry everyone! I just came back from Bintan! The story is going somewhere now I hope. hahahaha let's see where this goes then! =)
December 4 at 9:14pm
continued Part 14
Jon: "Last night....was... wait a minute, is this a trick question??
By this time everyone had taken a seat in the living room. booze breathed and groggy, the gang tried as hard as they could and looked intently at jon's direction to hear what he had to say...
Jon scratched his head and shrugged, aware that all eyes were on him. At this point all he was thinking about was last night's dinner and how he had just witnessed melvin execute a near perfect 3-point-like shot of last night's chicken and some rice into the toilet bowl without spilling a single drop of vomit.
"...i got nothin man, just a rhythmic throbbin inside my head like there's still a rave going full blast and i'm not invited. I digress, uh sorry guys but blame whatever the fuck was in the drinks last night but, aaron who's the goth chick?" reffering to the weeping post adoloscent-barely-18-looking cutie crying a cocktail of cheap mascara and tears.
"don't be hatin, fooooo!!! blame the game, bitch!" aaron rebutted dejectedly. "i never met her in my life, eh james, but she cute ah? *scooby doo laughter* ...all i can remember is collapsing on my bed and feeling like i was floating peacefully on a mountain of pao's and it felt so good, mmmmmmm paosssss....
Aaron's expression a priceless mix of ecstasy and lust best decribed as the cum face.
...wait, there's something in my pocket.
OH MY GOD. what's this doing here. EWWWWWW!!!!!!
aaron in shocked surprise, flings the object in the air like one would do if a cockroach landed on their hand But this was no cockroach.
As the object flew in the air
(imagine... close up shot, slow motion floating in the air, making its trajectory downward, straight onto melvins barely concsious face... SPLAT... melvin, still slow motion, blinks, you know how funny that looks in slow motion, as the realisation of what had just happend dawned on his still drunk self....)
this is so not happenning, melvin exclaims, as he slowly turns pale, and beads of sweat start forming on his now biohazard of a forehead...
Sun at 10:57pm ·
Melvin has part 9 up and coming! and we're seriously side tracking to gay love or some shit so I think I'll do part 10 lol we must stick to the general direction of the story people! It's about Aaron and his two loves (or now maybe 3 with the little man friend? who knows?)
November 26 at 3:07pm
Random facts:
lol i think the man friend just followed his instincts to go sleep in the bed. its way more comfy than the sofa.. but knowing the man firneds short term memory, naturally hed wake up not rmembering much lol
November 26 at 3:09pm
So on behalf of Melvin (who happens to be sick and unable to write) I shall continue with PART 9!
Part 9 :
Jon reached under the bed and pulled out a little brownish white kitten who was mewing with displeasure at being carried. A condom was stuck to its retractable claws and it looked pretty used....
Aaron was shocked the kitten was none other than HEADSHOT! (Melvin's kitty) What the heck was headshot doing under his bed?
Jon gingerly unhooked the condom from headshot's claws and inspected it. Headshot squirmed out of his grasp and landed on the bed glaring at the little man friend.
"It's definitely used" Jon said and looked at Aaron with apprehension and threw it into Aaron's Chelsea rubbish bin (yep chealsea is rubbish)
"I didn't do shit fool!" Aaron cried trying to defend himself
Awkward silence filled the air as they both stared at each other trying to remember what happened that fateful night.
Suddenly . . . CONTINUE
November 27 at 3:12pm
Part 10:
Jon, after touching the condom with disgusting liquid in it, went to the toilet to wash his hands and freshen up, hoping that it'll help remembering the events that happened recently.
Just as he was about to enter the toilet, he heard some weird noises. It was as if some sort of F1 car was revving its engine at the car park down below. Curiously, he stuck his head out the window to take a peek. However to his dismay, he saw nothing of that sort. Then he heard it again, it sounded like it came from the toilet! How the hell can a car be in a toilet?? ...
He slowly peeked inside and saw none other than Melvin in there. Lying in a fetus position, hugging the toilet bowl and snoring like as if he's trying to wake the whole of Singapore.
The toilet smelled like puke and he actually saw a some pieces of the last night's dinner in the toilet bowl. He eeked at the sight of it and flushed. He then washed his hands and sprinkled some water on Melvin's face.
Melvin mumbled something. Since it was quite soft, Jon bent over and asked him to repeat.
"When are you people going to be done? I want the air con and soft bed..."
Just after he struggled to say those few lines, he puked again and knocked out on the floor again .
Jon tried shaking and slapping Melvin, repeatedly asking "WHO ARE THE YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?!"
...... To Be Continued......
November 27 at 10:12pm
Part 11:
As Aaron watched Jon head to the toilet, fear clouded his mind. Did he really have sex with Jon and let a cat watch??? This was really beyond weird, what the fuck happened last night? Aaron covered his face with his hands wishing that everything was a bad dream.
The door burst open and standing in the doorway heaving and panting stood a very angry looking James Chan! Why the fuck was he here? Aaron thought...
"You've got some fucking explaining to do" James snarled
"What happened now?" nothing could surprise Aaron at this point
"Rachaelle's fucking in a coma that's what's wrong and people're thinking its me. Fuck this shit, I don't need shit like this! So I'm the bad boy, the bad influence, the "hey, I need you tonight but maybe not tomorrow cuz I have someone better guy? Oh sometimes I'm the dumb fuck who actually gives a shit but for fuck sake screw this shit! Fuck off! It wasn't me and you better set things straight cuz I don't fucking remember shit"
"Whatever, what would matter to you is that Rachaelle's in a fucking coma, so go fix it"
The words hit Aaron like a fucking bulldozer and no matter how big he was, even a bulldozer would definitely hurt Aaron.
Aaron : "Okay I'm going to. . . . CONTINUE FOR FUCK SAKE"
November 27 at 10:46pm
Part 12:
Aaron: ... take a piss man, i duno why but the toilet is calling out my name... oh wait, its melvin haha... wait WTF.. melvin is in my toilet. okayyyyy, great, rachaelle is half past gone... and i have jon in my bed,, ewwww.... and melvin swimming in his own digestive juices.... great now what do i do.....
As aaron srumbled half drunkenly, amazed at his newfound alcoholic prowess ( he emptied a whole six pack last night yeyyyy, applause applause.. woohoo) unzipped his fly and told the bowl what he thought of last night....
AS the golden shower ensued, thoughts crept into his mind... flashes and waves of color and light and faces and the floor.. whoa, something about the floor... haha aaron laughed to himself, a post hangover buzz probably making itself known to him... okay okay, so raechelle's in a coma... shit, melvins passed out a few inches away from my left, no, right leg, jon is, uh, where's jon... ah fuck it, he's alright... wait wait, there was somebody else last night....
Aaron zips up takes a look at himsself in the mirror, washes his hands... and ponders... Mom's gonna be real pissed at me when she gets home later...
HEY JAMES! still got asahi in the fridge or not? i need to meditate.
November 27 at 11:07pm
PART 13 continued:
If looks could kill, the glare that James gave Aaron would have turned him to stone.
"There's no more Asahi in the damn fridge" James said coldly "Can we just recap on what the hell you did last night?"...
By now, Melvin, Jared and Jon had gathered in the living room, blurry eyed and hung over.
"Okay here's what we're going to do. We're going to narrate our own versions of what happened last night then maybe we can piece everything together" James said
"That's a damn good idea la!" Aaron seemed enthusiastic.
Before they could continue, the doorbell rang
Aaron stood up feebly and unlocked his main door. There in the doorway stood Shan in her punk rocker singaporean lian glory. (LOL, i'm sorry Aaron I couldn't resist). She glared at Aaron as tears filled her eyes.
"TAKE RESPONSIBILITY ASSHOLE!" she screamed at him and dropped to her knees sobbing uncontrollably.
Aaron slammed the door in her face
"WHAT THE FUCK?" Aaron pressed his back against the door panting in fear. He ignored the continuous pounding and screaming at his door and went to the living room. All eyes were on him.
"Yes we definitely need to figure out what happened" Aaron said weakly
"Jolly good, so I'll go first then dudes" the little man friend said "Last night. . . . JON CONTINUE PLEASE"
Writer's note:
Sorry everyone! I just came back from Bintan! The story is going somewhere now I hope. hahahaha let's see where this goes then! =)
December 4 at 9:14pm
continued Part 14
Jon: "Last night....was... wait a minute, is this a trick question??
By this time everyone had taken a seat in the living room. booze breathed and groggy, the gang tried as hard as they could and looked intently at jon's direction to hear what he had to say...
Jon scratched his head and shrugged, aware that all eyes were on him. At this point all he was thinking about was last night's dinner and how he had just witnessed melvin execute a near perfect 3-point-like shot of last night's chicken and some rice into the toilet bowl without spilling a single drop of vomit.
"...i got nothin man, just a rhythmic throbbin inside my head like there's still a rave going full blast and i'm not invited. I digress, uh sorry guys but blame whatever the fuck was in the drinks last night but, aaron who's the goth chick?" reffering to the weeping post adoloscent-barely-18-looking cutie crying a cocktail of cheap mascara and tears.
"don't be hatin, fooooo!!! blame the game, bitch!" aaron rebutted dejectedly. "i never met her in my life, eh james, but she cute ah? *scooby doo laughter* ...all i can remember is collapsing on my bed and feeling like i was floating peacefully on a mountain of pao's and it felt so good, mmmmmmm paosssss....
Aaron's expression a priceless mix of ecstasy and lust best decribed as the cum face.
...wait, there's something in my pocket.
OH MY GOD. what's this doing here. EWWWWWW!!!!!!
aaron in shocked surprise, flings the object in the air like one would do if a cockroach landed on their hand But this was no cockroach.
As the object flew in the air
(imagine... close up shot, slow motion floating in the air, making its trajectory downward, straight onto melvins barely concsious face... SPLAT... melvin, still slow motion, blinks, you know how funny that looks in slow motion, as the realisation of what had just happend dawned on his still drunk self....)
this is so not happenning, melvin exclaims, as he slowly turns pale, and beads of sweat start forming on his now biohazard of a forehead...
Sun at 10:57pm ·
Wednesday, December 9
... knows a secret about Aaron and a particular someone!!!! Shall we be nice and announce for you??
James :
Part 5
As he tossed and turned on his once so comfortable bed, strangely enough, he had been finding it extremely hard to sleep lately. He sat up and shifted himself in front of the couch. He couldn't resist but visit both their facebook profiles. Placing them side by side on his new computer screen, he sighed once again. His life had been in a monotonous standstill ever since that fateful day when he met them. The funny thing about life is that it will never go the way you want it to go; Aaron always thought he would meet a girl and fight tooth and nail for her to win her heart like all those knights from the medieval era but never had he imagined that we would have met 2 girls on the exact same day that he would love with all his heart.
As the alcohol induced Aaron contemplated a game of Blackshot, (which dear readers, for the ill informed, is a first person shooter game. It's quite fun so do have a go at it) he glanced at their profile pictures once again and remembered how he met them....
It was but a month ago, Aaron had naught a worry in the world save to lose some weight. . . . CONTINUE PLEASE
November 26 at 2:33pm
Part 6
After giving it some serious thought about who he should choose, he thought to himself "I have made my decision!"
Just on the precipice moment of his decision making that would be his demise, his heroic brother barged into his room(with a cup of water in his hand!) and said: you're the equivalent to 2 men, hell I think you'd fit 4 skinny men. Just take em all brother!"...
.... er part 7 someone?
November 26 at 2:34pm
Aaron got a shock. He remembered locking his room door upon entering. Well no matter, he just ignored his brother as usual. Jared was one of the most important people in the world to him and he respected his brother fiercely. However, sometimes, his brother was prone to fits of madness like what was happening now currently.
As Jared stared at Aaron with wide eyes and flared nostrils. There was movement on the other side of Aaron's bed and it caught Jared's attention. He pulled the covers off to reveal a shivering little man friend of theirs called jon. There was no end to the surprises tonight....
Aaron : "Jon when did you come into my bed?"
Jon woke up and smiled at Aaron
Jon : "I'm smashed bro"
Jared walked out of the room shaking his head leaving Aaron and Jon alone in the room.
Aaron glanced at Jon who was still smiling and. . .
November 26 at 2:48pm
Part 8 Continued
The little man friend squinted, as reality started sinking in and events from the previous night were but flashes in his minds eye. As he rubbed his sleep battered eyes he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror in Aaron' room. WAIT.. Aarons room??
WTF.... He thought to himself.. This is getting too weird.
Last I remember we were all on a joyride last night and we went to JB and we went to Aaron's house but there were 3 people in the room last night.
It sure wasn't me, nor was it James or Jared... Or even Melvin. Melvins snores like a motherfucker, so I'd have woken up and caught any interesting activities that would have occurred! I fell asleep on the sofa watchin' spongebob like a moron. Must be the damn malaysian Heine's we had last night... And here I am, in the room, with Jared havin a staredown with Aaron, and im sorta caught in the middle of crossfire. Wait... Did i hear a cough? it's coming from under the bed... What the, oh, hello...
November 26 at 3:01pm
Part 5
As he tossed and turned on his once so comfortable bed, strangely enough, he had been finding it extremely hard to sleep lately. He sat up and shifted himself in front of the couch. He couldn't resist but visit both their facebook profiles. Placing them side by side on his new computer screen, he sighed once again. His life had been in a monotonous standstill ever since that fateful day when he met them. The funny thing about life is that it will never go the way you want it to go; Aaron always thought he would meet a girl and fight tooth and nail for her to win her heart like all those knights from the medieval era but never had he imagined that we would have met 2 girls on the exact same day that he would love with all his heart.
As the alcohol induced Aaron contemplated a game of Blackshot, (which dear readers, for the ill informed, is a first person shooter game. It's quite fun so do have a go at it) he glanced at their profile pictures once again and remembered how he met them....
It was but a month ago, Aaron had naught a worry in the world save to lose some weight. . . . CONTINUE PLEASE
November 26 at 2:33pm
Part 6
After giving it some serious thought about who he should choose, he thought to himself "I have made my decision!"
Just on the precipice moment of his decision making that would be his demise, his heroic brother barged into his room(with a cup of water in his hand!) and said: you're the equivalent to 2 men, hell I think you'd fit 4 skinny men. Just take em all brother!"...
.... er part 7 someone?
November 26 at 2:34pm
Aaron got a shock. He remembered locking his room door upon entering. Well no matter, he just ignored his brother as usual. Jared was one of the most important people in the world to him and he respected his brother fiercely. However, sometimes, his brother was prone to fits of madness like what was happening now currently.
As Jared stared at Aaron with wide eyes and flared nostrils. There was movement on the other side of Aaron's bed and it caught Jared's attention. He pulled the covers off to reveal a shivering little man friend of theirs called jon. There was no end to the surprises tonight....
Aaron : "Jon when did you come into my bed?"
Jon woke up and smiled at Aaron
Jon : "I'm smashed bro"
Jared walked out of the room shaking his head leaving Aaron and Jon alone in the room.
Aaron glanced at Jon who was still smiling and. . .
November 26 at 2:48pm
Part 8 Continued
The little man friend squinted, as reality started sinking in and events from the previous night were but flashes in his minds eye. As he rubbed his sleep battered eyes he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror in Aaron' room. WAIT.. Aarons room??
WTF.... He thought to himself.. This is getting too weird.
Last I remember we were all on a joyride last night and we went to JB and we went to Aaron's house but there were 3 people in the room last night.
It sure wasn't me, nor was it James or Jared... Or even Melvin. Melvins snores like a motherfucker, so I'd have woken up and caught any interesting activities that would have occurred! I fell asleep on the sofa watchin' spongebob like a moron. Must be the damn malaysian Heine's we had last night... And here I am, in the room, with Jared havin a staredown with Aaron, and im sorta caught in the middle of crossfire. Wait... Did i hear a cough? it's coming from under the bed... What the, oh, hello...
November 26 at 3:01pm
Tuesday, December 8
... knows a secret about Aaron and a particular someone!!!! Shall we be nice and announce for you??
A bunch of us are embarking on
a little writing trip.
This actually started out as a status update
on a friend's FB page which has now escalated into
an impromptu storytelling competition between friends.
I copied the entries word for word so, it's more or less
in its rawest form.
It was christened "Aaron, The Unpredictable" by Mel.
This is entirely fictional.
any resemblance to events, places,
persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Mel: and the story goes like this....
Part 1:
Aaron went somewhere, and came back. and when he return, he felt that his heart was left somewhere with a special someone. and now, like James said, he doesn't have the courage to "FIGHT FOR HIS LOVE".
November 26 at 1:50pm
James: Okay, lemme see. Why don't I start of the story of Part 2 and whoever reads it can just continue? Aaron can probably like get some ideas from "many heads being put together"!
The Real PART 2 begins:
Aaron looked out the window with a forlorn expression. Love was not how it all seemed to be in the movies. The harsh reality was that love hurts! Love eats your soul! Love makes you a weaker man! Or so Aaron thought as he sighed and covered his face with his pillow. Now dear readers, you must understand that Aaron was a special kid, he had not one but two loves! (Now how fucked up is that yeah?)...
So as sleep slowly crept up on his weary worn out body, he closed his eyes to embrace a dreamless sleep. SUDDENLY, his IM alert woke him up with a start. WHO WAS IT?. . . .
November 26 at 2:07pm
Mel: Part 3:
The IM said, "Yo Aaron. Are you free?" It was none other than James Chan. The guy that has nothing else better to do daily.
Dragging his big butt out of his bed, he forced his fingers to type, "ya why?"...
"I'm Thirsty... are u?".......................
November 26 at 2:13pm
James: Disclaimer!
Dear Readers, please do not assume that this story is actually happening. We must be able to separate fact from fiction in our lives.
Some of it might be true and if you wanna noe you should ask the man himself! Thank you! Let's just all make a nice juicy story for Aaron now shall we?
November 26 at 2:14pm
Aaron: Part4
and so james made a few phone calls. and they all went out for a few drinks. and as usual aaron gets sleepy after a few drinks. after everyone were done with their drinks. they all went home.
aaron went back to his bed with the same lonely heavy-hearted self. trying to fall asleep he unconsciously shed a tear. tears after tears they flowed down his cheeks. soon after he gets weary and falls asleep.
November 26 at 2:23pm
a little writing trip.
This actually started out as a status update
on a friend's FB page which has now escalated into
an impromptu storytelling competition between friends.
I copied the entries word for word so, it's more or less
in its rawest form.
It was christened "Aaron, The Unpredictable" by Mel.
This is entirely fictional.
any resemblance to events, places,
persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Mel: and the story goes like this....
Part 1:
Aaron went somewhere, and came back. and when he return, he felt that his heart was left somewhere with a special someone. and now, like James said, he doesn't have the courage to "FIGHT FOR HIS LOVE".
November 26 at 1:50pm
James: Okay, lemme see. Why don't I start of the story of Part 2 and whoever reads it can just continue? Aaron can probably like get some ideas from "many heads being put together"!
The Real PART 2 begins:
Aaron looked out the window with a forlorn expression. Love was not how it all seemed to be in the movies. The harsh reality was that love hurts! Love eats your soul! Love makes you a weaker man! Or so Aaron thought as he sighed and covered his face with his pillow. Now dear readers, you must understand that Aaron was a special kid, he had not one but two loves! (Now how fucked up is that yeah?)...
So as sleep slowly crept up on his weary worn out body, he closed his eyes to embrace a dreamless sleep. SUDDENLY, his IM alert woke him up with a start. WHO WAS IT?. . . .
November 26 at 2:07pm
Mel: Part 3:
The IM said, "Yo Aaron. Are you free?" It was none other than James Chan. The guy that has nothing else better to do daily.
Dragging his big butt out of his bed, he forced his fingers to type, "ya why?"...
"I'm Thirsty... are u?".......................
November 26 at 2:13pm
James: Disclaimer!
Dear Readers, please do not assume that this story is actually happening. We must be able to separate fact from fiction in our lives.
Some of it might be true and if you wanna noe you should ask the man himself! Thank you! Let's just all make a nice juicy story for Aaron now shall we?
November 26 at 2:14pm
Aaron: Part4
and so james made a few phone calls. and they all went out for a few drinks. and as usual aaron gets sleepy after a few drinks. after everyone were done with their drinks. they all went home.
aaron went back to his bed with the same lonely heavy-hearted self. trying to fall asleep he unconsciously shed a tear. tears after tears they flowed down his cheeks. soon after he gets weary and falls asleep.
November 26 at 2:23pm
Wednesday, December 2
we all.
sting sting sting;
my clipped wing,
heavy boulder,
weigh my shoulder.
exit wounds,
I don't see it,
never will,
spill my heart on a plate,
afraid it's too late.
my clipped wing,
heavy boulder,
weigh my shoulder.
exit wounds,
I don't see it,
never will,
spill my heart on a plate,
afraid it's too late.
Saturday, November 28
michael jackson blow bubbles. so wrong.
Tuesday, November 24
ding ding di di ding ding ding
On display,
you can read what I say;
the surface is thin,
outside looking in;
can you see what's within?
I can't.
you can read what I say;
the surface is thin,
outside looking in;
can you see what's within?
I can't.
Saturday, November 21
train of thought
Headsplitting short term memory's
back to stay.
Or at least it's goin' away.
Booze laced headtrip,
stop and take a sip,
off the tip,
of the bottle,
let it drip,
let it rip,
a new hole in my now empty
busted gut,
So I can forget,
imaginary pictures
of you
and me
and us
and plus,
recall, events
and things
and faces and places and names;
minute details.
I can't,
it's all hazy
like the weather.
I'm a feather,
free, light, lost.
back to stay.
Or at least it's goin' away.
Booze laced headtrip,
stop and take a sip,
off the tip,
of the bottle,
let it drip,
let it rip,
a new hole in my now empty
busted gut,
So I can forget,
imaginary pictures
of you
and me
and us
and plus,
recall, events
and things
and faces and places and names;
minute details.
I can't,
it's all hazy
like the weather.
I'm a feather,
free, light, lost.
Friday, November 20
Wednesday, November 18
Saturday, November 14
Updates in Pictures.
Perspective pries
her once weighty eyes
and gives you wings...
Goodbye, nice to know you.
-Nice To Know You by Incubus
her once weighty eyes
and gives you wings...
Goodbye, nice to know you.
-Nice To Know You by Incubus
Tuesday, November 10
Friday, November 6
Thursday, October 15
sleep, mostly.
thoughts a hazy fuzz,
like late night tv.
so this is it, livin' it
like I never thought I would be,
I've become my own slacker movie.
sleep, mostly.
thoughts a hazy fuzz,
like late night tv.
so this is it, livin' it
like I never thought I would be,
I've become my own slacker movie.
Wednesday, September 30
26 years 11months 30 days and 30 min and counting
Another half hour till it's official.
I never did see the relevance of the term
'late 20's' until now.
I've plenty to be grateful for but enough about me.
I just wanna share this space to spare a moment to
stop and think and pray for all our friends and family
around the world who have been affected by the natural disasters
plaguing the globe lately.
My hat goes off to the volunteers and everyone
who've been helping in any way possible through donations,
volunteer work etc, and simply spreading and disseminating
valuable information.
And to those who have lost their lives to help others,
your efforts were not in vain.
It goes to show that even in such trying times,
there is still is some good left in the world.
I never did see the relevance of the term
'late 20's' until now.
I've plenty to be grateful for but enough about me.
I just wanna share this space to spare a moment to
stop and think and pray for all our friends and family
around the world who have been affected by the natural disasters
plaguing the globe lately.
My hat goes off to the volunteers and everyone
who've been helping in any way possible through donations,
volunteer work etc, and simply spreading and disseminating
valuable information.
And to those who have lost their lives to help others,
your efforts were not in vain.
It goes to show that even in such trying times,
there is still is some good left in the world.
Thursday, September 17
if it all burns in the fire.
I feel the hands of time
weaving its magic around me;
working wonders right before my eyes.
Subtle tingles radiate inside,
every wrinkle, line on my face,
a tad more magnified than usual.
I don't feel tired at all,
Or I've lost all feeling in me?
Still I sense these invisible hands
have much work to do to sway
this much travelled wanderer
towards more pathways seldom trod.
weaving its magic around me;
working wonders right before my eyes.
Subtle tingles radiate inside,
every wrinkle, line on my face,
a tad more magnified than usual.
I don't feel tired at all,
Or I've lost all feeling in me?
Still I sense these invisible hands
have much work to do to sway
this much travelled wanderer
towards more pathways seldom trod.
Saturday, August 1
one foot forward, one step back.
Too guarded,
incapacities amplified,
by simply being... there;
yet I still exist.
Why do they even bother???
Who am I, really...
Tighten this noose, please.
I've wasted one breath too many.
incapacities amplified,
by simply being... there;
yet I still exist.
Why do they even bother???
Who am I, really...
Tighten this noose, please.
I've wasted one breath too many.
Wednesday, July 29
july july july
22nd July. O bar.

21st July.
Me and Fadly cycled from one end to the other end of the Island.
Took my new bike out for a spin.

18th July. Weekend chillin...
One Fullerton, Admiralty Park


17th July Justin's Birthday

14th July. Cuscaden.

12th July.
Drunk Twister and free sounds @ Sentosa.

11th July Sharmaine's Birthday.
Frasier Suites, Butter Factory...


21st July.
Me and Fadly cycled from one end to the other end of the Island.
Took my new bike out for a spin.
18th July. Weekend chillin...
One Fullerton, Admiralty Park
17th July Justin's Birthday
14th July. Cuscaden.

12th July.
Drunk Twister and free sounds @ Sentosa.

11th July Sharmaine's Birthday.
Frasier Suites, Butter Factory...


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