& so begins yet another phase of my "army" life...
Meeting new people, making friends, forging bonds, rivalries, having to put up with a few assholes among a bunch of misfits, mostly 18 year old JC guys, who are a little younger & not that streetwise in a sense, not that JC guys are bad or anything, it's just that some of them haven't ripened up yet, like their eyes are just slits & they haven't seen the light of the sun in all its glory kinda thing, but everything's ok.
training's hard.
Fucking hard, but everything else is simply just too good to be true.
of course if I told u anything more I'd have to kill you so I'll leave it at that.
I was watching Discovery Channel & I just realized something.
Dragonflies are my favorite insect & penguins are cute.
I know;
You're thinking,
What the fuck?!?!
I don't know;
sometimes everything passes by so fast that you seldom have the time to just stop & take a look around at where you are & your surroundings & shit.
Maybe that's why it's called the discovery channel...
I'm not making any sense. As if anything else is new.
I book in at 1o o'clock tomorrow night.
Back to my holiday training camp for more macho, 'look ma, I'm a soldier!' shit.
The good side of it all is I'm not feeling pressured or anything 'cos we're given the initiative to accomplish whatever we have to, so basically it's really up to us.
We have the chance to excel so, we might as well right?
more shit from me next week with cherries on top & whatever...
I'm done.
Meeting new people, making friends, forging bonds, rivalries, having to put up with a few assholes among a bunch of misfits, mostly 18 year old JC guys, who are a little younger & not that streetwise in a sense, not that JC guys are bad or anything, it's just that some of them haven't ripened up yet, like their eyes are just slits & they haven't seen the light of the sun in all its glory kinda thing, but everything's ok.
training's hard.
Fucking hard, but everything else is simply just too good to be true.
of course if I told u anything more I'd have to kill you so I'll leave it at that.
I was watching Discovery Channel & I just realized something.
Dragonflies are my favorite insect & penguins are cute.
I know;
You're thinking,
What the fuck?!?!
I don't know;
sometimes everything passes by so fast that you seldom have the time to just stop & take a look around at where you are & your surroundings & shit.
Maybe that's why it's called the discovery channel...
I'm not making any sense. As if anything else is new.
I book in at 1o o'clock tomorrow night.
Back to my holiday training camp for more macho, 'look ma, I'm a soldier!' shit.
The good side of it all is I'm not feeling pressured or anything 'cos we're given the initiative to accomplish whatever we have to, so basically it's really up to us.
We have the chance to excel so, we might as well right?
more shit from me next week with cherries on top & whatever...
I'm done.